Asha Chemutai
Assistant Programs Officer, Kween
Asha Chemutai is a new employee of CEDOVIP, she is the Assistant program officer in the district of Kween working with communities of Binyiny, Moyok and Ngenge subcounties within which are the organizations coverage areas of operations and programming, she does more of training, and on-site mentoring support for both community activists and drama group members as for now but courageously hoping to engage with opinion leaders, district officials ,health care providers and the police to join knowledge, skills on how to prevent VAWG/FGM in the communities of kween.
Asha holds a Bachelor’s Degree in development studies from the Islamic University In Uganda. she did her internship training with the REACH program in Sebei sub-region handling issues of Female Genital Mutilation. Asha was one of the girls by then on the forefront of advocating for Girl Child education and Zero tolerance to FGM/C which was the theme during outreaches to communities. She became an example of a girl who had reached university level un circumcised.This was a very great impact in changing the minds of young girls who saw FGM/C as the only option to succeed in getting married and enjoying respect from the community.
Asha also volunteered with FIDA UG-Kapchorwa office where they mediated cases of domestic violence and training of communities on realizing the rights of all including children. Asha is an approachable person, open to learning, friendly and ready to work with communities for better, happier and healthier relationships.