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BODA BODA MEN take stand out to prevent violence against women in busoga sub-region.

September 1, 2014 8:54 am | Published by Cedovip

A group of boda boda cyclists in Bugiri town council, Balawoli and Namwenda in Bugiri and Kamuli districts who have been participating in the GOU-Irish aid joint programme in Busoga sub region are taking significant steps to prevent violence against women.

The men talk to their peers, clients about promoting values of love, respect, peace, safety, dignity and respect between men and women in intimate relationships. Community members feel that the boda boda cyclists are inspiring many individual to make positive changes in their lives as one man in Bugiri town remarked

“…ever since I started interfacing with this boda boda cyclist, I have learnt a lot around using my power well with my partner and children like going back home early, make decisions together, talk to my children which used not to be the case….”

The Community Developlemnt Officers and SASA! Community activists report that the boda boda men’s wives confess that their relationships are happier and safer.

“Violent behaviours are learned, there is no man born violent and so I call on men to stop violating their wives in order to live in peaceful relationships”

“Violence against women contributes to poverty impoverishments in our communities because it can lead to death of energetic and resourceful people within our communities.”