In CEDOVIP News & Highlights

The Domestic Violence Act Coalition’s Call to Government For A Gender Sensitive National COVID-19 Response

June 2, 2020 7:16 pm | Published by Cedovip

As the COVID-19 global pandemic continues to hit hard and disrupt the daily lives of women, men and children, governments are under immense pressure to curb further spread of the disease and offer a fast response to avert its devasting consequences to human life and the economy.

As the government of Uganda progressively rolls out preparedness, risk reduction and response measures, it’s imperative that critical attention is given to the different impacts COVID-19 like all other pandemics and disasters has on women and men.

As already noticed in Uganda, amidst the implementation of the COVID-19 response that includes scale down of government and nongovernment services, movement restrictions and lockdown of businesses, women have continued to shoulder the burden of ensuring the wellbeing and continuity of their families and society at large through working to provide maternal care, child care, elderly care and health care.